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UC regents committee orders UCLA to pay Cal Berkeley $10 million per year for 3 years

TIME:2024-06-03 20:44:40 Source: Internet compilationEdit:world

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MERCED, Calif. (AP) — UCLA could pay the University of California at Berkeley $10 million a year for

MERCED, Calif. (AP) — UCLA could pay the University of California at Berkeley $10 million a year for three years instead of six as a result of the Bruins’ upcoming move to the Big Ten and the demise of the Pac-12.

The University of California Board of Regents special committee on athletics voted 7-1 during a meeting at UC Merced on Tuesday to cut down the length of the payments. UC president Michael Drake recommended six years in a report going into the meeting.

The matter — nicknamed “Calimony” by UCLA and Cal supporters — will come up for a vote by the full Board of Regents on Thursday.

If there is a significant change in revenues and/or expenses for either school, exceeding 10% over 2024-25 projections, UCLA’s contribution can be reevaluated by the regents.

In order for the Regents to affirm UCLA’s move to the Big Ten in December 2022, the university agreed to pay UC Berkeley between $2 million and $10 million because of how the move would affect the Cal athletic program.